How to Apply for RNI Registration Certification RNI Registration means registration to the newspapers. As we all know that now a day there is a wide circulation of the newspaper all across and daily some...

It is mandatory for an earning individual/entity to file a return irrespective of the fact that tax has been deducted at source by his/her employer or not, and whether he/she is eligible for a...
Filing of TDS Return

TDS RETURNS FILING TAN Number is a 10 Digit Alphanumeric Number and is utilized as an abbreviation for Tax Deduction and collection Account Number. Each assessee is liable to deduct TDS and required to apply...
What are Grounds for Divorce in India?

In India, issues of family law such as marriage, divorce and adoption are governed by a myriad of both religious and secular laws. Marriage and Divorce are influenced by religion, and each religion has...
Terms and Conditions for Website

WHAT IS WEBSITE/APP POLICY All online businesses need a terms of service agreement and privacy policy prominently displayed on their website. Most users ignore them and perhaps wonder whether they're of any use at all,...
Reply to Trademark Objection

WHAT IS TRADEMARK OBJECTION? Trademark objection refers to the queries that are raised by the trademark examiner in the examination report during the process of registering the trademark. The term “objected’ implies that a particular...
Trademark Renewal Process

WHAT IS TRADEMARK RENEWAL? The registration of a trademark is valid only upto a period of 10 years after which it can be renewed. Renewal of a trademark preserves those rights that are available only...
How to Draft a Gift Deed?

WHAT IS GIFT DEED? The lawful owner of a property can transfer it to another party without any lawful consideration through a gift deed. All such deeds must be signed by the donor, attested by...
Drafting a Sale Deed

WHAT IS A SALE DEED? It is an instrument in writing which transfers the ownership of the property from one person to another in exchange for a price paid/consideration. The person transferring the property is...
Start your own Private Limited Company

WHAT IS PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY? Private company is the most preferred form of business. Private company can be form by two persons. Private Limited Companies are those companies which are privately held by the people....