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1. Self-attested photocopy of RTI application.
2. Self-attested copy of the PIO’s response.
3. Other documents justifying the grounds of appeal.
4. Particulars of the RTI application filed to the PIO.
5. The information requested in the application.
6. The decision or ignorance of the PIO.
7. Information provided by the PIO.
8. Information not provided by the PIO.
9. Reasons for Grievance.
10. In case of second appeal, it must include a copy of the First Appeal.
11. An index of all the documents.
FIRST APPEAL The first appeal to an RTI is filed to the First Appellate Authority, details of which can be obtained from the decision letter of the Public Information Officer, who answers the RTI. In a case of no response, the same can be determined from the official website or the letter can be addressed to the First Appellate Authority and can be sent to the PIO. SECOND APPEAL The Second Appeal is always filed with either the SIC (State Information Commission) or CIC (Central Information Commission). 1. If your RTI was filed with a state Public Authority like Municipal Corporation, Transport Office etc you can file the Second Appeal with either the SIC of the respective state or the CIC. However only one must be chosen and you cannot file the Appeal with both of them. 2. If your RTI was filed with a central Public Authority like SBI, Post Office, Home Ministry etc you should file the Appeal with CIC.
The application fee and format differ from state to state. The applicant can find the respective information in the official website of RTI.
• Any citizen who has filed an RTI and is aggrieved by no response or unsatisfactory reply or incorrect information. • Third parties to whom the information is asked for, relates to or has been supplied as confidential.
First appeal can be filed only if no reply is received for 30 days and within 60 days of filing the RTI. The Second Appeal can be filed after forty –five days after filing of First appeal or immediately after First Appellate Authority decision but within 90 days of the decision.
Don’t worry, just fill the above mentioned details & contact the professionals of and we will guide you with the complete process.