Get free consultation on Cheque Bounce notice by our Legal experts
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Once the draft is approved by you, Notice is then sent via Registered AD.
To get your money back.
If you do not send the appropriate and accurate legal notice within prescribed time period then you will lose the right to institute the legal proceeding.
1. Dishonoured Cheque
2. Dishonour Memo given by Bank
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A cheque is said to be dishonoured or bounced when it is presented for payment to a bank but it is not paid by the bank because of some reason. Reasons may be fraud, insufficient funds, crossed cheque, mistake on the cheque etc.
The Complaint under Section 138 of the NI Act should be filed in the jurisdictional Magistrate Court within whose territorial jurisdiction the Bank/branch in which the payee/holder hold an account is located.
Cheque bounce is a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment for a term upto two years or with a fine twice the amount of the cheque or both.
Don’t worry, just fill the above mentioned details & contact the professionals of and we will guide you with the complete process.